2022 A Year of Struggle For Climate Justice in Review!
Goodbye 2022! Here’s to another year in the struggle for a better, sustainable, and just world! 2022 was an important year of successful united organizing in defense of people and planet! It’s difficult to cover a year of climate justice organizing in one photo album, but here we go. Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver organized 15 public actions including: 5 international webinars, 4 banner drops, 5 street actions and 2 get togethers for painting banners. We also collaborated with the Mountain Protectors, Protect the Planet!, 350-Vancouver, BROKE, Save Old Growth Vancity, and many more grassroots organizations on 7 united actions. Our struggle locally and internationally continues, but we are surer than ever before, that if we fight, we will win! Happy New Year 2023 to all! System change, not climate change!