Wednesday June 15
4pm Pacific Time/7pm Eastern Time
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As carbon emissions push the earth system toward (and possibly already through) climate tipping points, the contradictions of fossil capitalism present an existential crisis, to which collective agencies must respond. Responses range from old-style denialism (in retreat but not without influence) and new denialism (i.e., accepting climate science but rejecting its real policy implications), through technology-focused initiatives (such as ‘clean growth’ and ‘net zero’ via carbon-capture and geo-engineering) and reformist projects (such as green new deals), to transformative alternatives such as energy democracy and eco-socialism.
This event is presented by the Society for Socialist Studies and is co-sponsored by Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver, Corporate Mapping Project, and Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice.
Angele Alook, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, York University; Corporate Mapping Project
Alison Bodine, Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice
Emily Eaton, Geography Department, University of Regina; Corporate Mapping Project
David Gray-Donald, Freelance Author and Journalist; Former publisher of Briarpatch Magazine
Bob Neubauer, Writing and Communications Department, University of Winnipeg
Tamara Lorincz, Global Governance, Balsillie School for International Affairs, Wilfred Laurier University
Moderated by Megan Aiken, Political Science, University of Alberta; Political Science, Saint Mary’s University; Society for Socialist Studies